Expropiation of Repsol, what Argentina seeks

Cristina KirchnerArgentina, o más bien Cristina Kirchner ha decidido la ;expropiation of shares REPSOL ;YPF owns. At least almost all of them, since they are left with 51% of YPF from the 57% that REPSOL owned.

Pero ¿podemos llamarle a esto “;expropiación”;? Or is a simple THEFT?

Why is 51 in the hands of REPSOL? Why not prorated between all shareholders?

Only one shareholder is expropriated. This is just an attack on the shareholder, simply for being a Spanish company?
Of course it has all the earmarks of an attack to Spain, simply.

The price that REPSOL paid for all of YPF was around 13 billion euros. Ahora en bolsa YPF vale menos de ;6000 million euros, after the falls following rumors of expropriation and the withdrawal of concessions, but earlier this year it worth twice.

So it could be said that its market price is between 6,000 and 12,000 million euros.. Rather the 12 billion euros of January 2012.
What will be the assessment carried out by the Argentines to the valuation of expropriation?

I am afraid that the result will lead us to the conclusion that the only thing which aims to Argentina is a robbery to REPSOL.

[Via: bolseando, Argentina and REPSOL]

Author: Angel

professor, communicator, engineer