(Fishing an article in our blog bolseando2.blogspot.com)
Why the stop in Spain not low and in other countries Yes??
Does that the Spanish economy does not end out of the hole and the German Yes?
Diving in the website of the Ministry of economy and finance are found interesting graphics that help us to understand it. Let's look at one.
It is the industrial production index with comparison of Spain, EU and OECD. Se aprecia claramente que tras la crisis sufrida la producción industrial de la OCDE y de la UE ha remontado hasta niveles de 2005 y 2003 respectivamente, but Spanish industrial production is still at such low levels that to compare we have to move backwards from the graph in time. ¿Extrapolando un poco a ojo niveles de 1997 o 1996 tal vez? Of course what is clear is that there has not been a recovery in industrial activity, and without a strong industrial activity, able to export and generate added value, we can hardly hope to maintain a society based on the service sector. We need a good industrial base to support the rest, as the agricultural base already does.
And other neighboring countries, how are they?? Let's see
podemos ver que Alemania ha recuperado con rapidez niveles de producción similares a 2006, solo 4 años perdidos, but France is pretty weak, and United Kingdom is little different from Spain on behavior of its industrial sector. It is not surprising that also in the United Kingdom the crisis is living with harshness.
España y reino Unido no se recuperan adecuadamente porque su producción industrial no crece adecuadamente desde el fondo al que llegó en 2009. The industrial output is not recovering.